Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm in lesbians with you!

"You're not alone, you're just having some idiotic dream"

So, I will admit, I am a fan of the league of evil exes.... Quite a fan. In the peak of my obsession, I crocheted this fun pair of lovers :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Who, are you?

"But that's just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it"

So I have been on a Disney kick lately, and since Alice in wonderland is one of my favorite movies, I decided to make a little alice doll.

She stands at about 4 inches tall (I suppose she ate a little bit too much of that cake) and even has a bow in her hair.

She was crocheted using lion heart super saver yarn, and only took about 3 hours to make. I was quite pleased with the results :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, i know you want to try it."

Ok, So now that i have officially graduated from college i have found that i have a lot more free time on my hands, a lot of which i have been using to create things... and some of which i have been using to play video games.

This little guy comes right out of a video game i have been playing a lot lately, Kingdom hearts. Hes a basic heartless, although i will admit i have been working on a soldier heartless, which is taking a LOT longer than the basic one did. Check him out!

This is the first little guy i made, for my friend Bryan. I have made a few more since then, and now im working on a pattern :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wingardium knittiosa!

" To the well organized mind, death is just the next great adventure"

       I was first introduced to Harry Potter at age nine, when for Christmas my grandmother gave me the Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, after hearing that it was selling well. I don't think she ever could have anticipated me loving the series as much as i did. I grew up with Harry, reading about his adventures, watching him grow together with his friends and learn how to be a wizard in the process. At some point i knew the series was my favorite, second to none, and as a result my life began to be taken over by multiple copies of the book from around the world, assorted prop replicas, and anything else i could get my hands on. I thought that i would share some of the different harry potter knits that i have done over the years, in honor of the final movie coming out next week. 
Hermione's sweater

A  Gryffindor Lion
A little delivery owl
A Cable knit Gryffindor hat

Scarf and Hat set Like Hermione's from Half Blood Prince

I have made a lot of other things over the years, scarfs, Gloves, socks, purses, but i feel that these are some of the more unique things that I have made.

So until next time, MISCHIEF MANAGED!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Out of this world (and about 1000 years in the future too...)

The difficult we get done quickly, its the impossible that takes a little longer.

       So the last few days have been busy. Work, catching up with old friends, and working on a few projects. The first project that i was working on was a part of the motorsports team at my school, and involved about 5 hours of working on a milling machine in the teams machine shop. This year, for the second year, the team is designing and building our own transmission, rather than buying one. So Saturday i trekked out to school and i roughed out a chunk of aluminum so that it was the right size to be put into the CNC and cut down to a more precise shape.

       All of the other projects that i worked in involved knitting- I've finished three things in the last few days, although only two of them really warrant mentioning, as the third was just a basic striped blue and yellow scarf that i made for my brother.

       My next creation was for a friend of mine who is a big fan of the t.v. show "Futurama." On the show there is a character named nibbler, who is the alien pet of the mutant, Leela. Without further hesitation, let me show you my take on the character:

Me and Nibbler
       The other project that i finished up was for my roommate and close friend, who is an amazing singer and loves to play the violin (although hers recently ran away....). Its a scarf, and my favorite part is the treble clef at its beginning:

Well, that's all for now.

Monday, January 17, 2011

living life one stitch at a time

We've been conditioned to think that change is good and exciting, but maybe its not, maybe its just very dangerous.

Life is a summation of the moments, and while the seconds may seen insignificant, they are the building blocks for the memories that make up our lives. My name is Kelly and i am 20 years old. I'm a student studying mechanical engineering, and i would rather take on a challenge than stroll down the easy path.

I am a knitter, and i love taking on challenging patterns or inventing my own, whether it be for a friend or a family member. As silly as it sounds, knitting a unique creation for someone is my favorite way to stake a claim, to show that i care for them.... even if the feeling isn't necessarily mutual.

So here's to a new blog, maybe someone will read it, or maybe it will be lost to the depths of the internet. I present to you, my life, as i place it together stitch by stitch.